Every FIRST & THIRD WEDNESDAY at 12:10-12:40 pm
On Wednesday, MARCH 21, 2018 at 12:10-12:40 pm:
Music from the Belle Époque
Nancy Fierro, piano
Lili Boulanger (1893-1918)
Trois Morceaux pour
D’un vieux jardin (Of an old garden)
D’un jardin clair (Of a bright garden)
Cortège (A Festive Parade)
D’un vieux jardin (Of an old garden)
D’un jardin clair (Of a bright garden)
Cortège (A Festive Parade)
Cecile Chaminade (1857-1944)
Concert Etude Op. 35 No. 2 (Autumn)
Les Sylvains Op. 60
Claude Debussy (1862-1918)
Clair de lune
Danse (Tarentelle
The Belle Époque was a span of time between two
wars—the Franco Prussian war which ended in 1871 and World War I which began in
1914. During this period of peace and prosperity in France, the arts and
sciences flourished. Today’s concert features piano music composed by three
Belle Époque composers: Lili Boulanger, Cecile Chaminade and Claude Debussy.
Boulanger, younger sister of noted composition teacher Nadia
Boulanger, was a brilliant child prodigy who composed a small body of highly
original work before her untimely death at age 24. She wrote her Trois Morceaux for piano in
1914 just after winning the prestigious Prix de Rome award in composition .She
was the first and youngest woman to receive this coveted prize. In her first
piece About a Old Garden, we sense both grief and
nostalgia for the passing of a beautiful era. Her second piece, A Bright Garden, is radiant and happy.
In it we can hear bells from a distant monastery ring through the leaves. Cortège depicts a joyful parade with a few fireworks heard in
short bursts of the sound as the music closes.
Chaminade was a prolific composer and a brilliant pianist. She
wrote over two hundred works for the piano, gave numerous concert tours in
Europe and was also popular in America. Her music written in the spirit of the
Romantics, reflects her love of nature and superb gift for melody. She composed
this Etude while staying at her country home in Perigord, France--a property
covered with blue lavender, pink heather and bordered by ash and elm trees. The
music opens with a quiet reverie in her garden interrupted midway by a blast of
autumn wind. After the storm, the gentle reverie returns. Les Sylvains (The
Fauns), portrays both the erotic and impish characteristics of these mythical
forest beins who are part goat and part human. .
The three pieces by Claude Debussy were early works composed in the 1890’s. The
original title for Clair de lune was “Promenade Sentimentale.” Later, in the
1900’s when Debussy was famous and his music was in demand, he revised the
score and changed the title to Clair de Lune after a dreamlike poem of the same
name by the Symbolist poet Paul Verlaine.
Please scroll down for artist bio.
The Glendale Noon Concerts series now takes place
in the Sanctuary at
610 E. California Ave (at Isabel St)
Glendale, CA 91206
(NO SOLICITATIONS, PLEASE: Glendale Noon Concerts
is not accepting artists to the program.)
(NO SOLICITATIONS, PLEASE: Glendale Noon Concerts
is not accepting artists to the program.)
Call 818-244-7241 (office)
or email glendalesda@gmail.com
General info & parking:
UPCOMING CONCERTS in the same series:
(every FIRST & THIRD WEDNESDAY at 12:10-12:40 pm;
programs subject to change):
NANCY FIERRO performs both nationally and internationally and has recorded
four commercial albums. Legendary musician Nadia Boulanger praised her as a
“real pianistic talent” with deep musical understanding.” Her pioneering
performances of music by women composers have won several awards including a
Certificate of Honor from the Third International Congress of Women in Music.
For five consecutive years, she was selected as a Touring Artist by the
California Arts Council. In addition to her concerts, Nancy regularly gave
preconcert lectures for the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the Pasadena
Symphony and Pacific Symphony. She was a long-time member of the piano
faculty at Mount St. Mary's University in Los Angeles. Nancy holds a Doctor
of Musical Arts degree from the University of Southern California and a Certificate
in Piano, Theory and Analysis from the American Conservatory of Fine Arts
in France.
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